Guests are free to bring their existing supplies, but please check air travel guidelines. The following list includes the supplies I will be using during our demonstrations, with some recommendations on specific materials.
If guests do not have supplies, or prefer not to travel with art supplies, fully stocked supply kits will be made available to you for an additional fee.
1 quality, hardcover multi-media sketchbook with heavy paper for light watercolor washes. Select a size smaller than 11x14 inches. I prefer Stillman & Birn, with good prices available through
Drawing pencils and/or pens of choice
Please select from Arches® or Saunders Waterford® 140lb cold pressed paper: two, 22x30 sheets, quartered. We’ll produce mainly 1/4 sheet paintings, but may do some 1/8 sheet watercolor sketches. Bring extra; it’s always best to be prepared.
Mounting Board (masonite or gator board) to tape your watercolor paper down. 14” x 18”, or slightly larger is a good size for the quarter sheets.
Drafting or Masking tape, 1 inch or wider
a water container and small spray bottle
watercolor palette: compact travel variety or table tray size is fine
a couple of hand towels: one to use while painting and the second for sitting on outside, during plein air sessions.
small, medium and large round watercolor brushes, 1” goat, squirrel or camel mop/wash brush, and a #4 rigger
It’s recommended that guests use a brush carrier if possible to protect your brushes.
painting with watercolor outdoors doesn’t require an easel, but if you have a lightweight, portable easel for holding your boards, you may bring it if they travel well. Lightweight folding stool will be provided on site.
Colors aren’t particularly critical, especially if you already have several colors on hand, we can usually make them work. But it’s recommended that you use professional quality watercolors, in tubes or pans, for best results. Student grade colors are heavy on filler, with less pigment, resulting in less vibrant paintings.
Professional watercolors may include: Daniel Smith, Winsor & Newton, Holbein, M. Graham, Rembrant, etc.
Colors that I’ll have on my palette:
Lemon Yellow
New Gamboge
Permanent Green Light
Green Gold (Daniel Smith)
Quinacridone Sienna
Burnt Sienna
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Neutral Tint
Winsor Violet (or Dixozine Violet)
Winsor Orange (Winsor & Newton)
Opera Rose
Sky Blue Gouache (Winsor & Newton)