Qualcosa su di noi

Michela, Dell'Agnello, Cherici, Villa, Casafredda, Arezzo, Toscana, Tuscany, Italy


Born in Livorno, with a master degree in architecture, have worked both in Italy and abroad with satisfaction. She loves preparing home made fresh pasta, marmalades, cakes, preserves, jams and home made liqueurs.


The fact of being a bookworm with predilection for classic mythology and science fiction comics, irreparably influenced her ideas about aliens and her passion to talk about it under the starry sky. Have married Sergio in 2011, but tolerates him since 1997 

... Yoga it's a great help on this challenge!

Sergio, Cherici, Villa, Casafredda, Arezzo, Toscana, Tuscany, Italy


Born in Arezzo, with a master degree in architecture too, he left the pencil for a life made of farming & delicacies. He calls himself a redneck whom occasionally like cooking and rarely goes sailing; when not riding his tractor, or shaking the pan, runs avidly through the woods of Tuscany hunting for mushrooms.


When younger and fooler, he's been the owner of a successful restaurant; nowadays cooks for friends only, in the warm and familiar atmosphere of Casafredda. His recipes take time and patience, so he planned comfortable seats and free access to glasses and bottle all around his workstation. Never finds the house keys

... thank goodness Michela helps him!